Lena Dunham book


Challenge: Read 28 books (28 of 28)

Date: November 8, 2014.

Location: London, UK

Not That Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham (2014)

I heard that the writer and producer of HBO’s “Girls” was contracted by Random House Publishers to write a book a couple years ago. At the time, I wondered why they were so sure she would produce a good book. However, last year I saw a bunch of the episodes and thought her humour was off-beat, sometimes dark and completely captivating. When I saw the book was out, I knew I had to check it out. It so happened that I was travelling too, so I took this as my book for my week in London. I stopped at cafes and parks to read a bit here and there. I laughed to myself as I read.

The book is a series of essays on everything from wisdom she’s gleaned from her parents to discovering herself and her sexuality to having lazy jobs. It was absolutely a random mix of topics, but all so very entertaining to read about. She is incredibly articulate and not afraid to be vulnerable in her writing. She just puts it all out there. I definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a good laugh.

The author did a series of webcasts to promote the book, so see the first here: